Topic thông tin về PhD, postdoc position ^_^

PhD Position - Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Aim of the thesis

The goal of the PhD thesis is the development of a working micro SOFC system. Special emphasis will be put on microfabrication of the cell, integration of various materials in the fuel cell, optimization of the fuel cell design with respect to high power output and fuel cell testing. Coordination with the project partners for integration of other components (e.g. fuel processing unit) and integration of several cells into one unit are also important. We are looking for someone who is highly motivated, has a background in engineering (material science, mechanical, process or electrical engineering) and has some experience in microfabrication techniques. Good knowledge of English is required. We offer payment of 75 % on a scientific assistant position. The position is available immediately. More information about our group and our research can be found at Please send your applications including C.V., grades and references to

PhD Position:Thin Films for Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Within the last years the Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials institute at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) established extensive research on the fabrication and feasibility of Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. These are chip-sized devices containing an active freestanding fuel cell membrane as battery replacement and power supply for portable applications such as laptops or digital cameras. To realize first working prototypes of these Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells it is important to understand the general role of nanocrystalline ceramic thin film microstructures on their electrical, thermal and thermodynamic stability.

The goal of the PhD thesis is the fabrication and investigation of the relation between the electrical and microstructural properties of solid oxide fuel cell cathode, anode and electrolyte thin films. The emphasis is on: (i.) influence of thin film deposition parameters on film microstructure, (ii.) electrical performance measured by impedance spectroscopy, (iii.) mechanical stability and micro-hardness, (iv.) gas tightness experiments for electrolytes, (v.) thermal stability (crystallization and grain growth kinetics), (vi.) integration of best performance films in micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, (vii.) property characterization of free-standing membranes in Micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell platforms.

Therefore we are looking for someone who is highly motivated, has a background in natural science (material science, physics, chemistry) preferably with expertise in thin film deposition, characterisation of thin film properties, impedance spectroscopy and/or microfabrication. The PhD candidate should be capable to coordinate and interact with other project partners, research staff and students. Results have to be prepared for publications and dissemination via journals and conference presentations. Knowledge of English and the desire to work to a high extend actively on experiments in the laboratory is required.

We offer payment of 75 % of a scientific assistant position, the position is available immediately.

Please send your applications including curriculum vitae, motivation and brief summary of research background, grades and references to: and

PhD Position: Redox Stability of Amorphous versus Crystalline Ceramics

Within the last years the Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials institute at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) established extensive research on the fabrication of amorphous, biphasic amorphous-nanocrystalline, nanocrystalline and microcrystalline metal oxides for use as functional ceramic layers i.e. gas sensors or micro solid oxide fuel cells. It remains still unclear how the redox stability of metal oxides depends on the ambient crystalline state of the microstructures. In this PhD thesis the influence of the crystalline state of a microstructure on its redox stability and electrical conduction mechanisms will be investigated for four different classes of metal oxides. The final goal is to elucidate which microstructures are advantageous for the use of the here studied metal oxide layer in functional devices such as the micro solid oxide fuel cell of Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials

Therefore we are looking for someone who is highly motivated, has a background in natural science (material science, physics, chemistry) preferably with some expertise in electrical measurements, microstructure characterizations techniques, thin film fabrication and/or microfabrication. The PhD candidate should be capable to coordinate and interact with other project partners, research staff and students. Results have to be prepared for publications and dissemination via journals and conference presentations. Knowledge of English and the desire to work to a high extend actively on experiments in the laboratory is required.

We offer payment of 75 % of a scientific assistant position, the position is available immediately.

Please send your applications including curriculum vitae, motivation and brief summary of research background, grades and references to: and

The Paul Scherrer Institut is a centre for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories. With its 1200 employees it belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and material sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as on biology and medicine.

The Swiss Light Source (SLS) at the Paul Scherrer Institut is a third-generation synchrotron light source. With an energy of 2.4 GeV, it provides photon beams of high brightness for research in materials science, biology and chemistry.

The Competence Center Energy and Mobility (CCEM) contributes to the development of a more sustainable energy system. Research focuses on the efficient provision of energy services, efficient and “zero-emission” energy conversion and on the substitution of fossil energy carriers by low-CO2 primary energies. We are an international team of scientists working on heterogeneous chemical processes on atmospheric aerosols and are offering a

PhD Position in atmospheric chemistry and X-Ray microscopy Your tasks

Aim of the PhD Thesis is to study the chemical composition of single, a few hundred nm-sized soot particles and mixed organic aerosols using X-Ray micro spectroscopy. You will participate in the development of a new measurement cell for use at the POLLUX beamline, which hosts a new X-ray microscope at the SLS. You will establish and apply spectroscopic methods for single particle analysis of mixed organic composition. In collaboration with researchers from the Swiss Federal Institut of Science and Technology (EMPA), you will collect soot from diesel engine exhaust, analyze it using X-Ray microspectroscopy, and interpret the spectra in terms of chemical aspects. The results from your measurements will help to optimize methods for soot reduction in car engines.

Your profile

The position requires a diploma or master’s degree in Chemistry with excellent grades and with strong background in physics or vice versa. We are seeking a talented and highly motivated individual who enjoys experimental work and also has interest in (atmospheric) chemistry. The position requires very high motivation to work in an interdisciplinary environment and excellent communication skills. German and written and spoken English are required.

We are looking forward to your application.

For further information please contact Dr Thomas Huthwelker, ph.+41 56 310 53 14, e-mail: or Dr Markus Ammann, ph. +41 56 310 40 49, e-mail:

Please send your application to: Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources, Mrs. Hedwig Habersaat, ref. code 1811-01, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.

Trời ơi!!! Ông aqhl này giống spam bài quá. Muốn tìm PhD thì vô đây nè ngày nào cũng có post mới hết á. Hơi đâu mà ông post những cái lẻ tẻ như thế, chẳng thấm vào đâu cả. Ai cũng vậy, tìm PhD cũng phải gửi từ 40-50 đến cả trăm hồ sơ mới có thể tìm được chỗ ưng ý, ông post vài cái thế này vừa chật chỗ vừa không có tác dụng gì hết. Đề nghị hoặc gom hết vô 1 chỗ hoặc del đi nhé. Cứ vô ABG job trên google mà tìm nhé!!!

Hehe, đừng có nóng tính… Cái search engine ông gởi cũng hay lắm, có nhiều học bổng về Chemistry. Mà tui nghĩ phải cần nhiều cái search engine như vậy thì mới bao quát hết các học bổng được. VD, tui search trên trang đó chemistry ở Sweden chẳng hạn, thì chả thấy cái mô hết. Còn search toàn cầu thì thấy nhiều, hic mà ở US, UK, Úc chiếm tỷ lệ nhiều lắm. Híc, mấy nơi này, muốn apply thành công thì cũng mệt mỏi à…

Sweden: PhD Student Position in Organic Chemistry-Molecular Electronics

A PhD student position in synthetic organic chemistry directed towards design of novel compounds with potential functions as molecular electronics components is available in the group of Prof. Henrik Ottosson at the Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry.

The project will beside synthesis in organosilicon chemistry also include close interaction with computational chemists and physicists as well as experimental groups working with spectroscopy, electron microscopy and electron transport measurements.

The ideal candidate has an MSc degree with solid experience in synthetic organic/organometallic chemistry, but also an outspoken interest in physical/theoretical chemistry as well as physics. The project is interdisciplinary and an ability of the PhD student to go outside the traditional disciplines is appreciated.

The PhD position is for 4.5 years including 10% department duties such as assisting in courses at the undergraduate level. The start date is early 2007.

Uppsala University is striving to achieve a more equal gender balance among its researchers. Since the Ottosson group at present has a domination of male personnel, female candidates are particularly invited to apply. In order to increase the number of international PhD students at the department, persons from outside Sweden are also encouraged to apply.

The application should contain a letter where the applicant describes her/himself, her/his qualifications, and interests. It should contain a CV, copies of relevant grades, contact information of minimum two reference persons that are not related to each others, copies of the applicant’s Master thesis or an outline thereof, and possibly previous research publications.

Contact person for further information: Dr. Henrik Ottosson with email and +46 – (0)18 – 471 3809 The application should be sent to: Registrator, 2006/2513, Uppsala Universitet, Box 256 , 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden.

Deadline for application is 2006-11-30.

Ph.D. Student Positions in Physical Chemistry

Last day of application, January 31, 2007

Mechanisms for transport through cell membranes Certain peptides are found to have the ability to assist uptake of other substances by the cell. It is important to assess the mechanisms in order to understand cellular uptake and how to design gene therepeutics and other drugs. Live cells as well as arificial model membranes are studied with microscopy and spectroscopic techniques.

Fundamental processes for solar energy conversion The project focuses on construction and study of molecular systems for solar light-induced energy conversion to electricity or hydrogen. Ruthenium compounds with suitable eletron-transfer properties are attached to molecular “chips”, which may be self-assembled membranes or aligned DNA molecules, and are studied using photophysical and electrochemical methodology.

DNA interactions of importance for cancer therapy How small molecules bind to DNA is important to understand in order to be able to develop substances that gene specifically may be used in cancer therapy. New molecules with suitable properties as to cellular uptake and binding to DNA are designed, synthesized and studied with respect to binding geometry, site recognition and reaction kinetics.

Physico-chemical methods for attenuating gene regulation By packing DNA very densely in molecular complexes it is possible to prevent transcription from occurring. The project focuses on the development of novel methods to compact genetic material, on one hand for preserving DNA or for delivery (transfection) of DNA into cells, or use in cell-free protein reactors, on the other, for gene regulation by selective steric blocking of transcription.

Laser spectroscopic studies of molecular energy and electron transfer reactions In order to develop methods for harvesting the sun light for energy applications and, furthermore, for the understanding of fundamental processes in future molecular scale electronics, porphyrin and metal complex based model systems are studied with femto second laser spectroscopy.

The positions are placed at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Suitable background for candidates is a MSc. in either Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering with Engineering Physics, Biotechnology or equivalent. The research is defrayed by the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and the Swedish Cancer Foundation.

For further information, please contact Associate Professor Per Lincoln, +46 31 722 30 55,, Professor Bo Albinsson, +46 31 772 30 44, balb@chembio.chalmers or Professor Bengt Nordén, +46 31 772 30 41,

The application, which you preferably should send by e-mail, must contain: CV, exam with grades, contact details of reference persons, MSc thesis paper and a short (max one page) description of your strengths relevant for this position.

Mark your application with reference number 120/2006. Last day for application is January 31, 2007. The applications should be sent to Registrator, e-mail: or to the address:

Registrator Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone: +46 31 772 10 00 Fax Registrar: +46 31 772 49 22

Union representatives SACO: Jan Lindér, +46 31 772 12 12 SEKO: Ralf Berndtsson, +46 31 772 16 13 ST: Monika Orrbacke, +46 31 772 14 02

A PhD position in quantum chemistry is open at Stockholm University.

Our research: We use QM (hydbrid density functional theory) and QM/MM methods to study enzymatic and biomimetic reaction mechanisms, in particular for redox- and other metallo-enzymes. Examples of enzymes studied are: photosystem II, cytochrome c oxidase, nitrogenase and methane monooxygenase.

Our research group: The quantum biochemistry group at Stockholm University has at present two professors (Per Siegbahn and Margareta Blomberg), one post doc, and four graduate students. Home page:

The position: We are looking for one more graduate student to take part in the research shortly described above. To start with there will be a scholarship (utbildningsbidrag), which within two years will be transformed to a position (doktorandtjaenst). The total time for the graduate studies is 4-5 years, and the starting time is negotiable.

Application: Send your CV (including references to one or two persons) to Margareta Blomberg, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, before 2007-01-15. For information mail to: or call: 08-16 12 64.

Positions available

PhD training fellowship:

Within our EU project “Self-Organisation under Confinement” (SOCON, MRTN-CT-2004-512331), we are offering up to 12 months PhD training fellowships (minimum 3 months). Please note that several positions are available.

The project concerns studies of the interfacial behaviour of surfactant-polymer mixtures. The investigations includethe interfacial behaviour at liquid-gas and solid-liquid interfaces using ellipsometry as well as the solution behaviour with other project partners. The objective is to establish the relation interfacial behaviour and the bulk solution self-assembling processes. The work involves experimental work using ellipsometry, neutron reflectivity, and data evaluation applying theoretical modeling. However, theoretical modelling (molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations using coarse-grained models) could also be involved, depending on the interest of the candidates. The positions are temporary and open only for Early Stage Researchers (PhD students), and the special conditions regarding nationality for the Marie Curie Research Training Network apply.

Deadline for application: 23 December 2006. Starting time: 1 February 2006 or as agreed on.

For information on the positions, please email Dr. Tommy Nylander ( or Prof. Per Linse ( You can also find more about our department on

Application should be sent via email to: Dr. Tommy Nylander Physical Chemistry 1, Lund University, SWEDEN (Email:

Học bổng ngành hóa tại Anh TTO - ĐH Leeds, Anh thông báo sẽ cấp một số suất học bổng toàn phần ngành hóa cho bậc tiến sĩ tại trường. Học bổng trị giá 6700 bảng Anh/năm và học phí. Ứng viên phải tốt nghiệp ĐH loại khá trở lên các chuyên ngành hóa, vật lí. Thành thạo tiếng Anh và có kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu và làm việc ít nhất hai năm. Thông tin thêm về đề tài, xin liên lạc: Dr. R. Ettelaie Procter Department of Food Science University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom Tel: 0113 343 2981; fax: 0113 343 2982; e-mail: Hạn chót nộp hồ sơ: 4-2-2007. BÁ CHÍNH

Link :

PhD Student Position in Fibrous Nanocomposites for Medical Applications, closing date 05/01/2007

The Division of Manufacturing and Design of Wood and Bionanocomposites at Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå, Sweden, has a PhD student position available for research on process development of nanocomposites based on natural materials for use in medical applications. The research area is described below.


Nanocomposites based on collagen, wood and other biomaterials is a new and exciting research field. To be able to develop novel processing technologies is also very important to understand the relationship between the process-structure-properties of these new nanostructural composites. We are working with isolation and separation of nano crystals so called whiskers and fibrils from different sources (wood, wheat straw, sugar cane, muscles, hair etc.). These whiskers and fibrils are then used as nanoreinforcements in different biopolymers. By combining biopolymers and nanoreinforcements it is expected to be possible to develop novel bio nanocomposites for medical applications, ligaments for use in human body or environmental friendly plastic packaging applications.

In this project we wish to further expand our successful work in the area of processing of novel bionanocomposites and develop novel ligaments for use in human body. The raw materials will be collagen and other natural materials and this project will focus on development of the fibrillation technology of collagen and on process and design of nanocomposites with high elasticity.

The research conducted here will be a mix of experimental and theoretical work. This project is a part of an European STRP project, TEM-PLANT and therefore you will collaborate with other groups in the EU (e.g in Italy, The Netherlands, Austria, Spain, etc) and extended stays in some of the collaborating partner’s laboratories is a possibility.

We seek a PhD student with a Masters degree in Materials Science, Polymer Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Biopolymer Engineering, Engineering or Applied Physics (or an equivalent degree), preferably with a good knowledge in polymer materials. Experience in the areas of polymer composites processing technologies and different characterization methods are merits. You should be a good team player and have an ability to take initiative.

For further information, please contact: Professor Kristiina Oksman, +46-910-58 53 71,


Applications, marked with the reference no. 3465-06, are to be addressed to Luleå University of Technology, The Registry Secretary, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden. Your application, which may be submitted by e-mail:, should include: application letter, CV, exam with grades, contact details of at least two references and your M.Sc. thesis. The application should be written in English. Applications should be received no later than January 5, 2007.

Reference no: 3465-06

PhD Scholarship in Production of Hydrogen by Electrolysis

The aim of the project is to develop technologies for production of hydrogen by electrolysis and use it for synthesis. Apply before: 01.03.2007 at 12:00 (noon)

The scholarship is financed by Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Academy – HyFC, DONG Energy and DTU.

The content of the project is first development of an electrolysis cell for water electrolysis. Then electrolytically produced hydrogen should be used for synthesis’ in which hydrogen participates, e.g. production of methanol from hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

Candidates for the position should have a master’s degree in engineering or chemistry and preferably have a good experimental and/or theoretical background in electrochemistry.

The scholarships for the PhD study are subject to academic approval, and the successful candidates will be enrolled as PhD students at the Technical University of Denmark.

The salary and further terms of employment (3 years) are consistent with the general terms for PhD students at DTU.

Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained by application to the PhD programme office at tel: +45 4525 1176 or +45 4525 1177.

Please send your application in triplicate, including CV, list of publications, M.Sc. certificate with grades, and names and addresses of 2-3 reference persons to:

Professor Niels J. Bjerrum

Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark

Kemitorvet, Building 207

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Further information

For more information please contact: Professor Niels J. Bjerrum, Department of Chemistry, tel. 45252307 /e-mail

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Deadline for application: 1 March 2007 at 12.00 noon.

A PhD scholarship in Production of bioethanol

The Bio Science & Technology Group seeks for an enthusiastic candidate who is interesting in pursuing a PhD study Apply before: 22.01.2007 at 12:00 (noon)

The group of Bio Science & Technology Group (BST) at BioCentrum seeks for an enthusiastic candidate who is interesting in pursuing a PhD study in “Production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass by thermophilic anaerobic bacteria”. A three year PhD scholarship is available as soon as possible.

The Bio Science & Technology Group is a dynamic team with responsibility for teaching and research in bioenergy and biofuels production at BioCentrum-DTU. The research activities are focus on all aspects of biofuels production from pretreatment of the biomass, enzymatic hydrolysis and microbial conversion of biomass into ethanol, hydrogen or methane, primarily by means of anaerobic microorganisms. Recently, the Maxifuels pilot plant has been inaugurated at DTU for production of bioenergy (ethanol, hydrogen and methane) from residual biomass products like wheat straw.

Bioethanol is considered as one of the most promising and useful products that can be produced from lignocellulose, and it is the most consumer-friendly way to reduce gasoline consumption and CO2 emission derived from the transportation sector. Thermophilic bacteria have been considered for ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates. This group of organisms has, however, not been seriously considered for ethanol fermentation since at present, there is only limited data for using these organisms under conditions of practical interest including high substrate concentrations and real hydrolysate media. The project will be primary focus on fermentation of various lignocellulosic hydrolysates into ethanol by thermophilic anaerobic bacteria. An important part of the PhD study will be improvement of thermophilic ethanol fermentation by means of applying different reactor design configurations, and developing of robust microorganism capable of tolerating toxicity of the hydrolysates and converting the biomass in to ethanol with high yields.

We seek for a highly motivated candidate interest in working with microbial physiology and fermentation technology. The successful candidate can play a key role in further implementation of thermophilic ethanol fermentation in a Maxifuels pilot plant. The candidates should have a master’s degree in Biotechnology or Chemical Engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering. Candidates with a good experimental and/or theoretical background in Fermentation technology, Bio-reaction engineering or Production of biofuels is especially encouraged.

The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained by application to the PhD programme office at tel: +45 45 25 11 76 or +45 45 25 11 77.

The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

Please send your application in triplicate, including CV, documentation of a completed master’s degree including list of grades, and names and addresses of 2-3 reference persons to:

Professor Birgitte K. Ahring

Bio Science & Technology Group


Building 227

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Further information can be obtained from Professor Birgitte K. Ahring, tel: +45 4525 6183, e-mail

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

The application must sent to Biocentrum, building 227 and be received no later than 22 January 2007 at 12.00 noon.

[b]PhD position in Nanoscience (MC2): Molecular Electronics

Application deadline February 20, 2007. Reference number 2007/12[/b]

Fabrication and transport measurements in single-molecule electronic devices.We are looking for a new PhD student with a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering or Physics (or an equivalent degree) for a project on Molecular Electronics.

Candidates should have a background in Solid state Physics and experience in at least some of the following areas: mesoscopic physics, nanofabrication, chemistry. Candidates should be good team players and have an ability to take initiative. Women are especially welcome as applicants for this position since most of our present team members are men.

Welcome with your application, which may be submitted by e-mail, containing: application letter, CV, exam with grades, contact details of at least two references and your MSc thesis.

For further information, please contact: Associate Professor Sergey Kubatkin, +46 31 772 54 75, e-mail:

Send your expression of interest quoting reference number 2007/12, by 2007-02-20 to: Registrar Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Phone exch: +46 31 772 10 00 Fax registrar: +46 31 772 49 22 e-mail:

Trade union representatives Jan Lindér SACO, Monia Orrbacke TCO, Ralf Berndtsson SEKO

Short project description The idea of ultimately small electronic devices with an organic molecule working as the active center is very powerful and created the new research field of molecular electronics. In view of possible applications, it is extremely important to be able to fabricate many identical quantum systems. It is possible to prepare moles of identical molecules with useful functions by organic synthesis. The machinery and arsenal of organic chemistry has been refined having in mind performance of molecules in solutions. To be useful in an electronic device, the molecule has to perform well in a solid-state environment, being attached to metallic leads. It was demonstrated that coupling to the lead electrodes dramatically disturbs the molecular object and can overrun its chemical identity. Another well-recognized problem is that metal-molecule interface is not under experimental control and poorly reproducible.

The project goal is to build a single molecular device with the functionality immune to the interface problems. The idea is to design a molecule which is interfaced to bulk metal via chemically active terminal group separated from the kernel moiety by intramolecular tunneling barrier. The terminal group will be essentially the continuation of the metal electrode, and the whole functionality (transistor/switch) will be provided by the kernel. First experiments of this type demonstrated that it is feasible to vary the coupling strength between the molecular moiety and the metallic electrode in a predictable way by insertion of different spacers between terminal group and kernel. We observed that the charge transfer regime changed from coherent transport to sequential tunneling for the same molecular moiety.

As a continuation of this research we are planning to study molecules where the kernel posses some advanced functionality. In particular, we are interested in molecular switches and molecular Single Electron Transistors. As we have demonstrated recently, the statistical analysis of switching events in molecular samples can be used to deduce the switching mechanism and to extract the relevant physical parameters like the strength of electron-phonon coupling, relaxation rates etc. Alternatively, these parameters can be extracted by measuring molecular samples in a SET geometry and analyzing the inelastic tunneling spectroscopy data. This information can serve as a guide for synthesis of molecules with prescribed transport properties.

Can the parameters of molecular switch be optimized by the right choice of active molecule? Can we really get read of interface uncertainty? And, ultimately, can the physics of molecular switching be understood up to the level when it will be possible to specify the desired molecular structure? We plan to answer this questions experimentally by measuring electron transport through bistable molecules and iteratively adapting the molecular design. The first bunch of molecules is already in our stock, provided by a chemistry group of Professor Thomas Bjornholm at Danish Nanoscience Center in Copenhagen University >>

The announced position is financed within the Linneaus center The Linnaeus center of Engineered Quantum Systems (LINNEQS) is a center of excellence, located at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden and is financed by the Swedish Research Council. The center has 5 Ph D positions open. LINNEQS’s long-term goal is to develop quantum technology for information processing based mainly on superconducting devices. Research is geared towards studies of the foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum transport, as well as developing supporting technologies. As an added value to this environment a Graduate School in Quantum Engineering has been founded for the center. Excellent state-of-the-art nanofabrication facilities are available in the MC2 process laboratory at Chalmers.

The related Nanosens Consortium financed by Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF), has four Post Doc positions available at Chalmers. The aim of this program is to develop ultrasensitive devices with applications in biosensing and electronics.

This position is a research Ph.D. position. The successful applicant will conduct research in the area of enantioselective transition metal catalyzed Organic chemistry. The work focuses specifically on the design and synthesis of a new ligand type.

To register your interest please contact Patrick OLeary by email

Requirements: Honours degree in Chemistry, Fluent English (both spoken and written), ability to start as soon as possible an advantage.

Patrick O’Leary Chemistry Department NUI, Galway, Ireland

Uppsala university hereby invites applications for a

PhD position in materials physics and magnetism at the Department of Physics. Starting date: March 2007.

Growth and characterization of oxide-based DMS materials

The Ph.D. project focuses on growth and characterization of doped wide-gap semiconducting oxides produced using modern sample manufacturing techniques (MBE and sputtering techniques). The work connected to this position is a part of a larger constellation involving several research groups at the Ångström laboratory, focusing on the fabrication of new DMS materials.

The position involves developing skills in modern techniques for investigations of magnetic materials at the Ångström lab (e.g. SQUID magnetometry, MOKE) as well as at synchrotron facilities like MAX-lab in Sweden and other locations. The applicant’s background is suitably a master degree in physics or chemistry in the direction of solid-state physics or chemistry. Previous experience with characterization of magnetic materials is considered an advantage. An introductory text to the subject of thin film magnetism (in Swedish) is available upon request.

Further information about growth and characterization techniques can be found at and about MAX-lab at

If you are interested, you are welcome to send your application including a statement of research interest, a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of your Master thesis (or a draft thereof), published articles or other relevant material (if applicable) to the address below. Letter(s) of recommendation may be included.

The PhD position is for four years, extendable to a maximum of five years including department duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching). Further information:

Uppsala University is striving to achieve a more even gender balance and women are especially encouraged to apply.

Project title “Organic aerosol and regional climate” B311 4457/06, Department of Chemistry, Göteborg University, Sweden. Final date for application: 26 March, 2007.

Project description: Tellus, Earth System Science, is a new strategic centre at the Faculty of Science at Göteborg University. The aim is to stimulate to a creative and multidisciplinary research environment for studies of Earth Systems. Research at Tellus includes integrated field studies and modelling of the Earth System as well as experimental and theoretical studies of importance for the system such as physical, chemical and biological processes. Tellus will at the initial stage focus on the Baltic Sea system and Arctic/subarctic climate system. This PhD project is part of the ‘Baltic sea system’ and the ‘Arctic/subarctic climate system’ within the Tellus conceptual model. The supervisor-team constitutes of several members of the Tellus research group. The organic aerosol is to large extent produced in the atmosphere by gas to particle conversion. One process of special interest for Nordic conditions is the oxidation of terpenes emitted from pine trees (the smell from pine). The organic aerosol both affects the radiation budget both indirectly by cloud formation and directly by light scattering. However, magnitude is not yet clear and encourages further research. The specific project includes working with the experimental facilities within the Atmospheric Science group at Department of Chemistry to investigate the formation of organic aerosol from gas phase oxidation of terpenes with ozone and observe the change in physical properties of produced particles. The work should lead to new experimental data for organic aerosol systems, which would assist in the developing and evaluation of the corresponding theoretical tools used for Regional Climate modelling.

Terms of employment: This is a 4-year PhD program which will be extended by one year if 20% teaching assistance and administration is included in the contract. If so, the successful applicant is expected to teach in a Scandinavian language and in English.

Qualifications: Candidates should have obtained a M.Sc. or equivalent in Chemistry. Preference will be given to those with experience in atmospheric science, physical chemistry, with emphasis on experimental work and potential/proven ability to publish in English in peer-reviewed journals.

Further information on the announced position may be obtained from Assistant Professor Mattias Hallquist, +46 (0)31 772 3289 or email

Application, labelled, ” B311 4457/06 - Tellus” including a cover letter, CV, copies of degrees and transcripts of academic record (all attested), a list of at least two references familiar with the applicant’s qualifications, and any other relevant documents (e.g. Master Thesis), must have arrived at the following address not later than 26 March, 2007.

Dept. of Chemistry, Göteborg University, Att: Assistant Professor Mattias Hallquist SE-412 96 Göteborg, SWEDEN

Union representatives: SACO Martin Björkman, tel +46-31-786 3608; SEKO Lennart Olsson, tel +46-31-786 1173; OFR Eva Sjögren, tel +46-31-786 1169.

PhD Student position to the division for chemical technology

Graduate student

For the project The interaction of iron oxides with other minerals and ions at room temperature

The project encompasses fundamental studies of iron oxides and their interactions with other minerals and ions at room temperature. Advanced characterization tools such as IR spectroscopy are used to understand in more detail the interactions of well defined nanoparticles and thin films of iron oxide, which can be considered as ideal model systems. Such knowledge is not only of scientific importance, but also of great significance for LKABs and Minelcos processes, current products, and future products. For example, such interactions are essential for the agglomeration process when iron oxide pellets are produced. Also, the process water contains small particles and ions that also interact with the ore, which affect product quality.

The division for Chemical Technology ( at Luleå University of Technology is therefore searching for a graduate student with aspiration for fundamental research, where the results may be directly applicable in industry. The work will be carried out within Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Centre (HLRC) and in cooperation with LKAB.

Contact person: Prof. Jonas Hedlund, 0920-49 21 05,

The divison for Chemical Technology is a part of the department Applied Chemistry and Geosciences (Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, SBN. - Luleå tekniska universitet, LTU) with about 110 employees. The department is running several masters programes and two examples are Masters in Biochemical and Chemical Engineering and Masters in Minerasand Metallurgical engineering.

General eligibility: Masters or (Swedish Civilingenjör) or Candidate degree. Specific eligibility: 60 p (corresponding to 1.5 years of studies) in chemistry, chemical engineering or materials science.

Application Application must be sent to Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden and must arrive at the latest 23th mars 2007.

The reference number 418-07 must be stated in the application.

Two Postdoctoral researchers in Chemical Technology

Luleå university of technology, Sweden


The Department for Applied Chemistry and Geosciences have approximately 110 employees working with teaching, research and post-graduate studies. The research at the department is within the areas chemistry, biochemical and chemical process technology, chemical technology, ore geology, mineral processing and applied geology. The research is fundamental as well as applied and is sponsored by companies, foundations and research councils. We have modern equipment for experimental work. The department is running a Chemical Engineering Program and several masters programs and two examples are Masters in Biochemical and Chemical Engineering and Masters in Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering.

Definition of the research subject Chemical Technology

The research subject Chemical Technology encompasses design and analysis of industrial chemical processes and products through experimental and theoretical studies. Of special importance is materials development for chemical process applications.

Assignments As postdoctoral researcher in Chemical Technology you are participating in and developing the activities of the research subject that encompasses teaching, research and post-graduate studies.

Eligihbility Eligible for employment as postdoctoral researcher is whom that has been awarded a PhD or have a foreign degree that is judged corresponding to a PhD. The degree should not have been received more than five years before the application closing date. (The Higher Education Ordinance chapter HF 4:10) Assessment criteria • Scientific skill • Other assessment criteria: pedagogic skill is a merit good ability to lead and develop research projects good capability to communicate and teach in English is required in the case of similar qualifications, underrepresented sex is favored.

Contact person: Professor Jonas Hedlund, 0920-49 21 05,


Application must be sent i duplicate to Luleå university of technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden and must arrive at latest 16th april 2007.

The reference number 497-07 must be stated in the application.

We recomend applicants to follow pattern for compiling required information.