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Subject: Job Vacancies - Postdoctoral and studentship
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Postdoctoral research associates
Molecular Modeling
Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Doctoral students
Computational biophysics - modeling of chromatin
Heidelberg, Germany
Postdoctoral position
Polymer composite simulations
The University College of Bor??s, Sweeten
The molecular modeling group at Sandia has several openings
for postdoctoral research associates, for both the spring and fall, 2006.
Our group presently consists of four staff members, Michael Chandross,
Gary Grest, Mark Stevens and Edmund Webb III and several postdoctoral
research associates. Sandia has extensive computational facilities
including several teraflop clusters.
Our present interest include but not limited to simulations of
polymers, complex fluids, metals, granular materials and biomaterials.
We are looking for candidates with experience and interest in either
classical molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations as well
as ab initio methods. Molecular modeling expertise is desirable but
not required.
Send your curriculum vitae Gary Grest at
Computational biophysics - modeling of chromatin
In a newly funded collaborative project between the Langowski (
Cancer Research Center), Smith (University of Heidelberg) and Wade (EML
Research) groups in Heidelberg, we have three positions open for
doctoral students, one in each laboratory.
Your tasks: Development and application of multiscale methods to model
the dynamics of the nucleosome, the binding and unbinding of DNA on the
histone core and nucleosome-nucleosome interactions.
Your profile: Outstanding undergraduate record in physics, biophysics or
theoretical chemistry and a strong interest in biological problems and
interdisciplinary work.
More information about our research:
Langowski group, DKFZ:
Smith group, Heidelberg University:
Wade group, EML Research:
Please send your application (cv and names of 3 referees) before
February 15, 2006 to:
Dr. Rebecca Wade, Group Leader Molecular and Cellular Modeling, EML
Research gGmbH, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, 69118 Heidelberg, Germany
phone: ჽ-6221-533 247, e-mail: rebecca.wade (at)
Postdoctoral position in polymer composite simulations
The research in polymer technology at the University College of Bor??s focuses
on polymer composite materials, textile materials and the use of modelling and
simulation methods to study polymer materials. To strengthen this research we
are appointing a researcher, who has obtained a PhD degree in chemistry,
polymer technology, materials technology, physics or in another relevant area.
The postdoctoral position is comprised of two parts: Multi-scale modelling
of polymer nanocomposites and Computer animations for active learning of
chemical concepts.
The position is initially for minimum 1 year, with possible extension to a
second and third year based on progress made and the availability of external
funding. The earliest starting date is 2006-04-01. The position provides and
excellent opportunity for the successful candidate to work in a very
interesting and important research area.
The successful candidate must have a PhD degree in chemistry, physics,
material engineering or in another relevant area. Experience and knowledge
in polymer nanocomposites and computational methods is a clear advantage.
Knowledge in C++ and/or Microsoft Developer Studio is a merit.
Enquiries about the position should be directed to
Professor Mikael Skrifvars ჺ-33-435 44 97, e-mail:,
Assoc. Prof. Kim Bolton, ჺ-33-435 46 02, e-mail: or
Assoc. Prof. Peter Ahlstr??m, ჺ-33-435 46 75, e-mail:
Applications mentioning the registration number 18-06-40 should be submitted
no later than 2006-03-04 to: University College of Bor??s,
501 90 BOR??S. (email:
Complete advertisement:
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