Softwares hóa học

Tôi vừa tìm được địa chỉ một số software về hóa học : 1/Fundamentals Of Organic Chemistry Link1: File size: 14425853 bytes Submitted by: ayush Hits: 130 Added: Mittwoch, 00.00.0 2/Chemistry 4D v7.60 Link1: File size: 2194469 bytes Submitted by: paipad Hits: 192 Added: Mittwoch, 00.00.0 3/all in one Chemistry programmes(21 softwares) Link1: File size: 2978195 bytes contents: 1- Electronic Periodic Table v2.0 2- Chemical Molecule Viewer 3- PERSONAL CHEMCOM v4.0; Chemical Plume Dispersion Program. Personal CHEMCOM is a chemical cloud (plume) dispersion program. It allows the user to enter weather conditions and the type and amount of hazardous chemical being released and then shows the downwind concentrations and plume location. 4- Molecular Modeling Program (CGA or EGA) 5- Chemistry Database and Reference Material 6- Chemview (1/2) is a molecular animation program that shows 3 dimensional rotation on an EGA. The library of files was generated using CHEMICAL; a molecular modeling program that bonds and places atoms that the user has selected from a Periodic Table. 7- Chemview (2/2) is a molecular animation program that shows 3 dimensional rotation on an EGA. The library of files was generated using CHEMICAL; a molecular modeling program that bonds and places atoms that the user has selected from a Periodic Table. 8- COMPUTATIONAL CHEM MANUAL v3.12 <ASP> For problem solving in Computational Chemistry and other areas. Techniques are applicable to all math-based analyses. Activity coefficients, conductivity data, flory-huggins formula, heat capacity, ideal gas law, langmuir adsorption, mixture composition, mole fractions, poison distribution, vapor pressure, weak acid. PCSCC INC. 9- Chemistry Pal v2.40 10- Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements 11- ELEMENTAL v1.00 ASP - This powerful computer periodic table is the first one to show wire frame images of all 16 hydrogen-like wave functions. It has considerable data on each element including heat capacity, standard entropies and enthalpies, magnetic susceptibilities, ionization energies, reaction, solvent, and chemical properties, known isotopes, and much, much more. From CleoSci. $49.95 + $2.50 S&H. ($29.95 before 8-31-94) 12- The Integral Scientist v2.01 <ASP> A data & calculation utility for working chemists & advanced students. Periodic table with 66+ properties per element. Calculators for molecular weight, chemical solutions, redox, dilution, 15000+ unit conversions, solvents database, scientific data viewer, context sensitive hypertext help and documentation. Extensive mouse support, windows style interface in a compact, fast DOS program. 13- WIN3: Read Atomic coordinates display molecule 14- Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA) 15- Menu-driven Periodic Table of Elements 16- Calculate Radioactive Decay 17- PERSONAL RADCOM v4.0; Radiation Plume Dispersion Program, Personal RADCOM is a radiation cloud (plume) dispersion program for nuclear reactors. Program allows the user to enter the weather conditions and the amount of radiation being released and then shows downwind concentrations and plume location. 18- Gives Radioactive Decay Information 19- ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator 20- Organic chemistry ID of unknowns simulator 21- Video Chemistry. Chemistry Tutor Submitted by: aamqub Hits: 290 Added: Mittwoch, 00.00.0 Tôi chưa down thử. Giới thiệu để các bạn dùng thử xẹm