SciFinder - part of the research process for universities around the world
SciFinder is a research discovery tool that allows college students and faculty to access a wide diversity of research from many scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more!
Product Overview
With a single source, you can explore scientific information in journal and patent literature from around the world:
* References from more than 10,000 currently published journals and patents from more than 57 patent authorities
* Important scientific discoveries from the present to the mid-1800s
* The latest scientific breakthroughs almost as soon as they are published with references added daily and some patent information as recent as 2 days ago
* The world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information
Features and Benefits
SciFinder is easy-to-use and enables your research process to be more creative and productive by offering you:
* Access to current, high-quality scientific information
* Links to more relevant journal articles and patent documents than any other source
* Content indexed by scientists
* An intuitive interaction
* Time savings, with speedy access to more than a century of scientific information
* A novel approach to problem-solving by linking related concepts
* Strengthen your research and your academic program with SciFinder.
* Scientific principles, how they evolve as new discoveries are made, and how these principles transcend traditional scientific disciplines
* A wealth of information for more than 37 million organic and inorganic substances
* By chemical structures or biological sequences
* By substructures and reactions
* By research topic, author, company, substance name
SciFinder prepares students for the workplace where SciFinder is used in companies throughout the world.
Content at a Glance
* More than 15 million single- and multi-step reactions
* More than 1 billion predicted and experimental properties
* The CAS REGISTRYSM database - the original source and final authority for CAS Registry Numbers - updated daily
* All patent records, meeting CAS selection criteria, from 9 of the major patent offices are available online within 2 days of the patents' issuance
* Sequences combined from CAS and GenBank databases, which are indexed and linked to scientific journal and patent literature