Các trang upload miễn phí

Đây là danh sách các trang có thể up load miễn phí. Chú ý: một số trang có những link và pop-up chứa xxx HÃY CẨN THẬN KHI BẠN Ở NƠI CÔNG CỘNG http://fileupyours.com Everything unlimited

http://datapickup.com Max File Size: 1.5GB File deleted after 7 days

http://freespace.filefront.com Max File Size: 1GB (Files cannot be larger than 1GB or take more than 10 hours to upload) Everything else is unlimited.

Max File Size: 1GB File deleted after 7 days

Max File Size: 1GB File deleted after 5 days/20 downloads

Max File Size: 500MB File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days

http://ftpz.us Max File Size: 498MB Everything else is unlimited

http://www.thefilehut.com Max File Size: 250MB Free registration required

http://www.megaupload.com Max File Size: 250MB (used to be 500M File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days

Max File Size: 250MB (Uploads will be checked by an admin before publishing)

Max File Size: 250MB File deleted after 7 days

http://www.filecache.de Max File Size: 125MB File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days

http://www.pushfile.net Max File Size: 100MB File deleted if not downloaded for 7 days

Max File Size: 100MB File deleted after 7 days or after the first download (yep… it’s true) http://www.dropload.com/faq/index.php?sid=39284〈=pt&action=artikel&cat=2&id=5&artlang=en

Max File Size: 70MB

http://www.picapic.net Max File Size: 60MB

http://www.nexmicrosystems.com Max File Size: 60MB File deleted after 30 days

http://www.savefile.com Max File Size: 60MB File deleted if not downloaded for 14 or 30 days. FAQ says 14, upload page says 30…

http://www.psychohost.com Max File Size: 50MB Everything else unlimited.

http://www.freeuploader.com Max File Size: 50MB

Max File Size: 50MB

http://sharefiles.ru Max File Size: 50MB File deleted after 30 days

http://www.wirefiles.com Max File Size: 50MB

http://www.xshare.us Max File Size: 50MB

http://app02.bonpoo.com/file.htm Max File Size: 50MB

http://rapidshare.de Max File size: 50MB Download Limit: 50MB/hour File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days

Max File size: 50MB Download Limit: 50MB/hour File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days

http://www.uploadhut.com Max File Size: 50MB

http://www.gigashare.com Max File Size: 50MB (multiple files upload option)

http://illhostit.com Max File Size: 40MB

http://www.filebuffer.net Max File Size: 40MB Everything else seems to be unlimited

http://www.35mb.com Max File Size: 35MB Free registration required Everything else is unlimited

http://up.li.ru Max File Size: 32MB File deleted after 3 days (2 months if file extension is jpg/jpeg/png)

Max File Size: 30MB File deleted after 14 days

http://www.ultrashare.net Max File Size: 30MB File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days.

http://falcon.o-wh.com Max File Size: 30MB

http://www.ripway.com Max File Size: 30MB Free registration required

http://www.mytempdir.com Max File Size: 25MB File deleted after 14 days

http://www.myfilestash.com Max File Size: 25MB Free registration required

http://www.myfileshack.com Max File Size: 25MB Free registration required

http://11mbit.de Max File Size: 20MB

http://www.webfile.ru Max File Size: 20MB File deleted after 7 days

http://www.yourfilehost.com Max File Size: 10MB File deleted if not downloaded for 14 days

http://www.da_insane.boo.pl/d/upload/ Max File Size: 10MB

http://come2store.com Max File Size: 10MB Free registration required

http://webfilehost.com Max File Size: 10MB File deleted after 30 days

http://www.filecabi.net/free-video-hosting.html Max File Size: 10MB File deleted if not viewed for 30 days

http://www.putfile.com Max File Size: 10MB File deleted if not viewed for 6 months

http://uppit.com Max File Size: 6MB File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days

Max File Size: 5MB File deleted if not viewed for 60 days

http://www.desearch.net Max File Size: 4MB

http://www.uploadx.net Max File Size: 3MB

http://www.filepost.us Max File Size: 3MB Free registration required

http://www.thefilebucket.com Max File Size: 2MB (not sure) Free registration required

http://storagefun.com Max File Size: 2MB Free registration required

http://www.flypicture.com Max File Size: 1MB File deleted after 30 days

http://www.bestupload.com Max File Size: 600K File deleted if not downloaded for 30 days



Nhưng hình như trong số những trang upload trên, có mấy trang việc dowload cũng hơi bị khó khăn đúng không! Cắc khi up xong phải load vào để down test mới được, nếu gặp trục trặc thì mất uy tín hết thôi!!!

Uhm, đúng vậy đó. Mình khoái up lên uploading.com vì ít phiền phức! Còn megaupload và sexupload khá tốt thì lại có xxx