Article: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Fast Ionic Conductor Li0.30La0.56TiO3

Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Fast Ionic Conductor Li0.30La0.56TiO3 Chem. Mater., 18 (18), 4385 -4392, 2006

Quoc Nghi Pham, Claude Bohnké, Marie-Pierre Crosnier-Lopez, and Odile Bohnké


The preparation of a pure and nanostructured phase of the fast lithium conductor Li0.30La0.56TiO3 at low temperature (350 C for 2 h) is reported for the first time. The synthesis has been carried out by the Pechini-type in-situ polymerizable method. It has been shown that the molar ratios ethylene glycol/citric acid and citric acid/metals, as well as the temperature, are crucial parameters during this synthesis. A careful control of the temperature during polyesterification allowed us to prepare the nanosized phase of oxide and to avoid the formation of thermally stable impurities. The crystallite size (20-30 nm) of the oxide has been determined by the analysis of the broadening of the powder X-ray diffraction lines. The particles size has been confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and the macroporous character of the powder has been evidenced by scanning electron microscopy.
